On Monday Bridget tagged me for a 7
random things post, so here are seven very random things that fit my
state of mind right now.
1. I realized the other day that I think
of the alphabet in 4 sections: “before G,” the 2nd
quarter mess (everything from H to M), the N-O-P/Q-R-S triads, and
“after T.” I don't always know exactly where a letter is in its
section without going through a piece of the alphabet, but I do
always know what section it's in.
2. I've spent a lot of time in the past
few months playing tafl for research. Verdict? I'm still terrible at
3. Yellow has been my favorite color for
almost a year. My favorite color used to be green. Still is sometimes
(for loyalty's sake and because I do love it). But not really.
4. Palindrome should not be a word. It
should be palinilap.
5. Even though yellow's my favorite color,
it seems I only wear purple any more now. Purple and yellow really
don't go together. I don't care what color theory says about
opposites on the color wheel, they don't work.
6. I haven't been swimming this summer. I
really love swimming, but I never have a chance to go. Last time I
went was a year ago, when I was at the beach and got stung by a