Tuesday, August 21, 2012

7 Random Things

On Monday Bridget tagged me for a 7 random things post, so here are seven very random things that fit my state of mind right now.

1. I realized the other day that I think of the alphabet in 4 sections: “before G,” the 2nd quarter mess (everything from H to M), the N-O-P/Q-R-S triads, and “after T.” I don't always know exactly where a letter is in its section without going through a piece of the alphabet, but I do always know what section it's in.

2. I've spent a lot of time in the past few months playing tafl for research. Verdict? I'm still terrible at it.

3. Yellow has been my favorite color for almost a year. My favorite color used to be green. Still is sometimes (for loyalty's sake and because I do love it). But not really.

4. Palindrome should not be a word. It should be palinilap.

5. Even though yellow's my favorite color, it seems I only wear purple any more now. Purple and yellow really don't go together. I don't care what color theory says about opposites on the color wheel, they don't work.

6. I haven't been swimming this summer. I really love swimming, but I never have a chance to go. Last time I went was a year ago, when I was at the beach and got stung by a jellyfish.

7. Speaking of colors that go together... everything goes with green. Nothing goes with orange. I'm really obsessed with colors today, aren't I? Weird.


  1. Haha those were some really random seven random things! Good job. Maybe this should have been a "random blogger award" lol, still have no idea why the "awards" meant you had to say seven things about yourself.

    I do not understand number 4, what does it mean?

    1. A palindrome is anything that reads the same forwards and backwards, so I figure the word for this concept should follow those same rules :)

  2. Ha! I do the same thing with the alphabet! a-g, h-l, m-q, t-z. :P

    Navy goes well with a vivid, true orange, btw. Then, of course, there are all the muted shades or orange that lean on the earthy side and they pretty much go with anything too.

    1. That's true. Burnt orange goes well with other shades. I never really got the orange/navy combo though. Doesn't look right to me.

  3. Purple and yellow don't go together? Cough. I work at LSU.

    1. Haha! Sorry, Steve! I stand by my comment though.

      Now green and yellow? Much more pleasant on the eyes. (William and Mary, woooo!)
